11 February 2011

Graphic description of curriculum design.

Found this while snooping around online the other day. It's a visual explanation of the bauhaus curriculum. I love the idea of having a visual like this that explains a student's experience over the course of several years and feel inspired to try to create something similar for my classes. More soon.

1 comment:

henry said...

3 things --

* this is excellent, and why I love germans.
* it's kind of interesting that it's so concerned with materials -- i don't think of bauhaus as being nearly as interested in material as, say, what was going on in America at the time (or a little later) with your eameses and noguchis and nakashimas. but here it is.
* on a related, though totally evil note, there's new images of a, uh, different german design standards handbook circulating. if you can get past, you know, the nazis, it's pretty challenging to how i think about design. like, a lot of the 20th century was about the relationship between design and larger ethics like what kind of society you want to have, and then you see this and it's like, well, hitler had font designers, too -- this 'design can make the world' idea cuts both ways.

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