07 November 2008


i took a mental health day today. probably not something to be publicly posting about except that it makes me wonder exactly what makes us so tired as teachers. and that makes me think about how we (i) can work on resolving some of these issues so we can be more energetic for the actual instruction and assessment we should be focusing on. 

here's my top ten list of what makes me a tired teacher...in no particular order. i'm too tired to put them in order. the list would have been very different two and a half years ago and, by the way, i'm much less tired now than i was then.

 1. cleaning cleaning cleaning...the brushes, the sink, the tables, the floor
 2. repeating myself
 3. being at work at 7:30am at the latest
 4. shifting focus every hour (or less)
 5. keeping track of 50 people's stuff (i know that's not much compared to public school but still)
 6. email
 7. continually establishing the boundaries of what's appropriate
 8. repeating myself
 9. not talking to grown-ups all day
10.remembering the names and life details of so many people

i'd love to hear what makes other teachers tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's what makes me tired:
having to be "on" for every class...knowing that my mood, my attitude, and my perspective are key ingredients to the success of each class means that I have to put energy into keeping myself positive constantly. there's no curling up at my desk on a "down" day. and, man oh man, on days when i don't head into class well-rested, who knows what will happen!

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