12 October 2008

getting student feedback

mary and i talked about teaching over coffee and a cookie at flour this weekend. she said i should watch how to draw a bunny which i put in the netflix queue and will report back on. i told her to check out this blog and hopefully she will.

she also told me that at bennington, halfway through the term, there is a day when the teacher leaves the room for a certain amount of time and the students discuss how the class is going. one student is assigned to take notes and submit a summary. 

i was immediately intrigued.

i wondered about my students and whether this would be helpful to me in anyway. 
would the students feel too empowered by doing this?
would they actually give me helpful feedback or just goof around while i was gone?

1 comment:

suzanne cabrera said...

I encourage this type of student feedback as well ---though I provide a series of questions to be answered individually, rather than as a group. I find it extremely helpful. Yes...the students feel empowered...but this way I also know exactly what they are enjoying/disliking so I can make changes during the rest of the semester. In a way it works as insurance...if they don't enjoy something in the second half you can always say "well...you told me..."

Very cool blog. I look forward to checking back.

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